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  • 9 Most Popular Interview TYPES for Jobs in Philippines

9 Most Popular Interview TYPES for Jobs in Philippines

The Philippines has a wide variety of types of job interviews. Different types are determined by the company's culture and preferences.There are different types of job interviews in the Philippines. They vary from the type of questions asked to the interviewers’ behavior. Job seekers should know about the different types of interviews for a better chance of getting hired.

Structured Interview 

The most common type of interview is a structured interview, which is conducted in a formal setting with clear questions that have well-defined answers.

structured interview types in philippines

Informal interviews 

They are usually conducted over coffee or lunch, and they may not be as structured as formal interviews.

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 Functional Interviews

 These are conducted by experienced interviewers who ask probing questions about your skills and abilities.

Behavioral Interviews

These are conducted by inexperienced interviewers who ask you general questions like “What is your greatest strength?” or “What do you think is your biggest weakness?”

Theoretical Interviews

 These are conducted by people with a lot of experience in a certain field who ask you questions that require deep thinking and analysis.

 In-person interview

They are an effective way to find out more about a candidate's personality and skills. They can help you decide if the candidate is a good fit for the role, and they are also a cost-effective way to screen candidates.

The Philippines is one of the most popular destinations for international students in Asia. It is home to some of the world's best universities and colleges that have been attracting students from all over the globe for decades.

A lot of international students choose to study in this country because it offers them a new experience, with its rich culture and history, as well as exciting opportunities for internships and part-time jobs.

A simple in-person interview is a quick way to assess an individual’s skills and qualifications.

There are many use cases for this type of interview. For example, if you are looking for a candidate for an administrative position, you can conduct the interview in person and make sure that the person has the appropriate skills and experience.

Phone interviews

They are becoming more and more popular in the Philippines. This is because hiring managers want to save time by conducting interviews on the phone.

phone interview in philippines

The popularity of phone interviews has led to a rise in the number of scammers who pretend to be hiring managers and ask for personal information like bank account numbers.

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Phone job interview scams are common in the Philippines where they have been reported by over 100,000 people according to a study conducted by Rappler.

The phone job interview is also a great way for the employer to assess if they have any red flags with their potential hire, such as a criminal record or poor work ethic.

Skype interview

Skype interviews are becoming more and more popular in the Philippines. The country is one of the top countries in the world when it comes to using Skype for business purposes.

The most common type of Skype interview is a phone interview. This type of interview is conducted on a landline or mobile phone, usually over Skype. In this type of interview, the interviewer will ask questions via voice or text message, and if you're lucky, you'll get an opportunity to ask questions too!

Skype interviews are popular because they can be conducted from anywhere - even from your home! They also have lower costs than in-person interviews.

 Face-to-face interview:

There are some common questions that job candidates ask during the face-to-face interview. Here are some of the most common questions asked by candidates during a face-to-face interview:

Must read: Common Interview Questions with Answer for a Job in Philippines

"When can I start?"

"What is the salary?"

"Can you show me around?"

"Do you have any questions for me?"

The goal of a face-to-face interview is to get a sense of how you will fit into the company culture. In this type of interview, you are able to form an opinion on whether or not you would like that company as your future workplace.

In addition, these interviews allow for more natural conversation between the interviewer and interviewee - which can be difficult with an online platform like Skype or Google Hangouts.

Wrap up

Finally you have got a clear idea of different types of job interviews in Philippines. No matter what kind of interview you experience, you need to be fully prepared for it. Getting to know every type helps you make up your mind and know what to expect.


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